fall senior photography in the woodlands

Senior Photography in the Fall

Senior photography in the fall is very popular in Houston. It’s probably because the deadline for yearbook in some schools is December and because the weather is amazing that time of year. Houston in the fall is spectacular. It cools down but it’s not too cold. The colors on the trees change but there is still plenty of green and flowers around.

Senior photography in the fall

I love fall in Houston! And I love a fall session! To make things even better, I got to take Jack’s senior session last fall. I met Jack when he was just a little guy. Now he is leaving for college and flying the nest. It seems like it was just yesterday when I met his mom. Thank goodness he got older but I didn’t. Hahaha

Senior photos with jeep

First time I took his pictures Jack was a cute red head ready to take elementary school by storm. Him and his sister clowned around and had a great time. And his parents did great too.

family photography

Cut to 2020 and I got contacted by my friend to schedule Jack’s senior photography in the fall. I could not had been happier. And to top it off Jack is headed to A&M (which is close to my heart because my oldest son attends A&M). A&M is so lucky to get him and he will be the loudest and proudest member of the of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2026.

golden light senior photography
guy senior photography

Now let’s plan your senior photography fall session! Send me a message and let’s get you in my calendar.