senior golden hour Houston texas

The Magic of Golden Hour

For me senior photography and the magic of golden hour go hand in hand. Can you get awesome pictures at other times of the day? Yes, of course you can. And I will totally take some when needed. But there is something that makes my heart skip a beat about golden hour.

red headed girl golden hour

Photos at golden hour bring with them several emotions for me. They are warm, and a bit soft. I am reminded of some of the photos of when I was growing up and my love for photography started. I don’t even know if they were taken like that on purpose but I was always drawn to them.

Light is photography and without it we don’t have photos. Getting to learn how to get exactly what I want to do with the sun has been my goal since I started taking photos. Sometimes I want dark and moody. And sometimes I want light and airy. To achieve that I have learned how light affects my camera. And golden hour just hugs my camera and makes magic!

senior guy magic golden hour

When seniors contact me I always tell them that I work mostly at golden hour. And I have a little app that will help me with scheduling the sessions at the right time. Golden hour changes as the season change. And a lot of people think that it has to be in the evening to be golden hour. Surprise! The morning has it too. It’s just that most seniors do not want to wake up that early!

senior guy golden hour magic

Why do I love this hour so much?

I chase the light. So if that means waking up at the crack of dawn that is what I do. And the reason I chase is to to catch a little bit of that magic. But why is it magic?

The magic of golden hour covers so many things. The portraits taken at this time have a warm cast that will almost make it look like people have been sun kissed. It gives my seniors a bit of a tan and I love it. It’s like an automatic healthy glow.

golden light magic senior

It is also filtered light. So think about all the filters that you can add to your photos in social media. Well, golden hour is nature’s filter. It can erase little blemishes like it was magic. It blurs imperfections and all this by just existing.

urban golden hour session

To me (and I think to a lot of people), golden hour photos are meaningful. They bring feeling of nostalgia. And the number one thing that I want to do with my photography is to deliver photos that mean something to my clients. I want you to look at them in 15, 20, 30, years from now and I want you to feel back to that day.

golden light magic session

Are you a golden light chaser? Send me and message and let’s schedule your golden hour session!

You can visit my Instagram to see where chasing the light has taken me recently!