Beach, Please! Summer Senior Photos

Summer senior photos are what I am thinking about. You might be thinking it’s too hot for pictures. Beach, please! The beach is calling our name. Water, breeze, and sun. Is there anything better? I don’t think so.

Galveston senior photography
beach senior photos
summer senior photography

I know, I know. Galveston has a bad rep as far a beaches go. It is not the turquoise water of Mexico or Florida. That’s okay, Galveston is a gem! You just have to give it a chance. Head over to Galveston if you want to do your senior session in the summer.

Let’s hit up a little corner of Galveston that is not very crowded and live it up. A late afternoon by the water is the best. The warm sun shimmers on the water. The wind in your hair. (That is one thing, no perfect hair at the beach. Too windy.). And just having fun all while taking photos. There is something about being at the beach that just makes everyone relax.

How to get ready for your summer senior session at the beach?

Head to a cute store. Alter’d State has some really cute dresses. And buy a fun sun dress. Something that will be flowey in the wind. I would not worry too much about what sandal you wear since most photos will be barefoot. I do recommend getting a pedicure and pamper those toes. They will be getting a lot of action!

summer senior session

And don’t forget… Bring a towel and a change of clothes for after your summer senior photos. You will be sandy and wet. I know you won’t want to travel back home like.

Now that I have you super excited about spending the afternoon with me at the beach click here and send me an email. Let’s book your session!!!

jumping senior photos