Senior photos in Houston

When Should Seniors Take Their Senior Photos? Houston, TX

When should Seniors take their senior photos? The answer is not as simple as you might think. The best practice is to contact me the summer before senior year starts. Together we can decide what needs you have and when would me the best time for senior photos.

Typically, most seniors take their photos in the fall. I think that one of the reasons this is true is because it’s so hot in Houston in the summer. Although, some schools have early deadlines for photos. If your school does, it is important that you schedule them in the summer. And don’t worry. Summer sessions magic. One perk is that is literally more day to work with. It gets dark later so if you have a busy day you can still carve out time late in your afternoon for some photo fun.

That being said, fall is where the sweet spot is. The weather is cooler. The school year is in full swing. Some might already know where you are attending. And sometimes, we have the family jump in for a photo or two of the family. Fall in Houston is GREAT!

Winter can be tough. The leaves are all gone and there aren’t that many flowers. An urban location would work great for this time of year. But if you want flowers you should wait a little bit longer. They are just around the corner.

Spring is for the late crowd. Most of the time these seniors were waiting to figure out where they were going to college. Or they wanted flowers in their photos. The flowers are out and the green is bright. The feeling of new beginning is in the air.

When should seniors take their senior photos? Well it’s all relative. It’s when do YOU want to take your senior photos? Let’s chat and plan your session!

Senior photos in The Woodlands TX