How do you pick clothes for a family photoshoot

How Do You Pick Clothes For a Photoshoot? The Woodlands, TX

How do you pick clothes for a photoshoot is the most stressful part of a session for many people. Let me help you make it easier. I promise it won’t be that hard!

How do you pick clothes for a photoshoot

Let’s start with a really simple rule. DO NOT wear matching white shirts and jeans. The goal for family photography is to coordinate. It is not good to be matchy-matchy. Color is your friend. Patterns can be fun. It is okay to mix and match. It will make photos more interesting.

How do you pick clothes for a photoshoot

The best way to start your shopping (at a store or in your closets) is to go from hardest to easiest. The hardest person can either be the one with the least amount of options or the pickiest. This helps to not overwhelm you. It can narrow down a color scheme.

Another thing to consider is comfort. During my sessions I might ask you to stand, sit, jump, and maybe do the hockey pokey. If you are not comfortable it will show in pictures. Specially with kids. If kids are uncomfortable we will all feel it! LOL

How do you pick clothes for a photoshoot

Next, make sure to show who you are. Let your personality shine. I like for my clients to show who they are with their clothes. In 5, 10, or 15 years those images will be loved even more because they are real, they are your real life. Priceless!

How do you pick clothes for a photoshoot

Let the kids have a little control. Have 2 or 3 “mom approved” outfits and they can pick the one THEY like. Then they are happy and you are happy. Win, win.

How do you pick clothes for a kids photoshoot

Don’t forget to accessorize your clothes

Headbands, SHOES, a necklace, or a scarf can all be great additions to your outfits. They complete the look. Sometimes the magic is in the details. You can take an outfit from normal to amazing in no time.

what to wear for your photoshoot

And Lastly…

Lay everything out on your bed or in the living room. Open the blinds and take a photo of all the outfits together. This will help you visualize what everything will look like together. You can see if all the colors and patterns look good together. This is a perfect time to edit what everyone will be wearing. And you can always send me the picture. I can help you make some decision.

sister photos

I have simplified how do you pick clothes for a photoshoot and hopefully this will make taking photos a little less stressful. If you want ideas on what to wear for senior photos check out this blog post.

family photos

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