baby photography ideas

Baby Photography Ideas

We all want new baby photography ideas. Sometimes the best idea is the simplest. A beautiful baby doesn’t need much. The focus is the baby and he or she should be the center of attention.

baby with owl hat

I like to keep baby sessions very simple. The first thing I will tell you is that we should schedule the session when baby is in the best mood. A cranky baby is no fun for anyone. Specially moms! Moms won’t be relaxed if baby is crying and fuzzy.

Baby indoor photography

Another thing is that baby should not be hungry for his session. Full belly means more smiles and less tears. They will last longer if they aren’t hungry.

baby photo ideas

Some clients have baby photography ideas that have a theme. And while those can be so cute (and I will do one) I tend to go for less is more. A blanket on the floor, playing on the bed, even spending some time at the park can be great session ideas.

A lot of times in home sessions work well with babies because they are already comfortable where they are. Then I show up and we can spend some time getting to know each other and capturing his/her time at home (baby’s favorite place!)

baby pictures at home

Whatever idea you select it will be great! How can it not be, it’s your baby? Stay around for a while and check out an at home newborn session.

Don’t be shy! Go follow me on Instagram and Facebook and keep up with my latest sessions.