Baseball Senior Pictures in The Woodlands

A great way to personalize your session is by incorporating your passion. That is what we did! We took some baseball senior pictures in The Woodlands High School baseball field. Not all photos were baseball but they were all taken in the same location. We didn’t have to change locations and we got very different looks just by walking a little.

We started the session with a cute shirt and slacks. Anthony was shy and had mom and sister helping me make him more comfortable. A lot of boys come to their session because they are doing it for mom. After a few poses and some laughs I think they are having fun and enjoy having a little time in front of my lens.

Once the sun had moved down enough that the baseball field had gorgeous golden light then we moved that way. Anthony decided that he didn’t want to be in full uniform. He wore his jersey and his slacks. I am so glad we went that direction. His pictures looks so relaxed and they show exactly who he is.

The moment Anthony put on his jersey he was much more relaxed. He was in his element. I had so much fun taking these pictures. That is one of the things I love about taking pictures. I get to capture memories for people that they can look back on for years to come. These baseball senior pictures in The Woodlands will mean so much more in 20 years. That is why I do this!

Contact Maria Snider to plan your senior session! You only have one high school senior year!